Wednesday, June 24, 2009


"The glory of God is man fully alive."
- St. Iranaeus

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Love from God, Love for others

Recently, I have been experiencing a troubled relationship with my workmate. There were times when we wouldn't talk with each other since we disagreed on certain decision-making aspects at work. My inner struggle about her extended for a couple of weeks though she seemed to have already forgiven me. These feelings burdened my heart too much and I did not know what to do or how to release the ill feelings I still was harboring. It seemed like I was spiraling down a very sad abyss and I did not know how to get out.

God came and knocked in my heart just recently. I came to learn that by fixing my relationship with Him, other problems in my life would simply succumb to His presence. By rebuilding my relationship with God through prayer, reading christian books, listening to our local catholic preacher, reading the daily gospel, and relating with christian friends, I now see the beauty and presence of the Lord on a woman I once perceived as an enemy. Not only that, I also learned to take a look inside my heart and develop further my values of humility, meekness, understanding, and patience. With God's help, I also learned to combat my own pride. It really is true that we should take out the plank in our own eyes first before we could help and give love to others. I'm glad that God gave me the Spirit to seek His unending love. With that, I am now capable to love and pray for others as well and fully trust God in the outcomes of my relationships.

Be blessed!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my most powerful weapon


people can hate us or diss us or disregard us when we approach them. but there is one thing they cannot reject, and that is our prayers. so let's continue praying for the people in our lives: those who make living life so much better, and those whose lives it is our responsibility and privilege to make better.