i was talking with a good friend yesterday, and the issue of romance and service came up. i think it's no secret that, in YFC, romantic relationships have been somewhat discouraged in generations past--remember the time when everybody kept saying true love waits, or whenever they would say having a girl/boyfriend was sablay? anyway, it seems that the philosophy is slowly evolving (thankfully), and everybody is now more open and amenable to the idea that having a romantic relationship CAN also be pleasing to the Lord. in fact, it should be, although it is not really the norm. that is no longer the issue, really. but the question is HOW? this is one of those things wherein i only have my theories and speculations but have almost zero personal and empirical evidence to present. so i am turning over the keyboard to my fellow HH-mates who can, to answer this question.
How can your lovelife be a form of (instead of a detriment to your) service to the Lord?
Quick answer: Serve and love her/him the way God would. Keep each other pure and save yourselves for marriage. :)